Quick-Clip 1.2 written by: Jarrid Cima (jacima@intrnet.net) http://www.intrnet.net/~jacima CONTENTS I. PURPOSE II. INSTALLATION III. PROGRAM STATUS IV. PROGRAM DISTRIBUTION V. QUESTIONS and/or PROBLEMS VI. VERSION INFORMATION I. PURPOSE Quick-Clip is a small utillity for Windows 95 that runs in the tray that gives you an unlimited number of "Copies" and "Pastes" to/from the clipboard. Four Quick-Clip slots gives you instant access to four 'quick-clips' and an unlimited number may be saved through an 'Advanced' section. II. INSTALLATION To install Quick-Clip unzip "QuickClip.zip" to a temporary directory and run "setup.exe". Or, if opened with Winzip, run "setup.exe" from inside the Winzip shell. III. PROGRAM STATUS This program is shareware. If you like this program and wish to recieve a registered version, you must pay for it. Click 'Register' inside the program for more information on registering. Although Quick-Clip is shareware, there is no time limit. You may use the shareware version for as long as you like for free. IV. PROGRAM DISTRIBUTION You may freely distribute the original "QuickClip.zip" file, provided that none of the contents are changed. This is encouraged. V. QUESTIONS & PROBLEMS Contact Jarrid Cima e-mail: jacima@intrnet.net US Mail: Jarrid Cima Quick-Clip 320 W. Fourth St. Benton, IL 62812 VI, VERSION INFORMATION Quick-Clip 1.0 Initial release. Quick-Clip 1.1 Fixed a display problem on certain resolutions and font sizes. Quick-Clip 1.2 Screen position is saved on exit, as well as all color options.